Landscape design company Jungle Studio choreographs soulful outdoor spaces with an environmental agenda.
There’s an alluring sense of rhythm to the multifaceted gardens created by Jungle Studio, the landscape design practice founded by Carmen Santiago. Largely inspired by Britain’s jungle music scene and her experience in performing arts, Carmen’s designs are brought to life with layers of flora, forms and textures; rhythm and character is inherent to the practice. Their goal is to produce regenerative and resilient landscapes that question traditional design practices and attitudes – and Carmen calls on her fellow garden designers, and the island as a whole, to consider the role we can all play in creating positive environmental change.
Jungle Studio is guided by the principles of regenerative landscaping – a practice that’s quickly capturing popular imagination in today’s eco-conscious age. Like regenerative farming, it restores the environment by increasing biodiversity and boosting ecological resistance. Landscape designers like Carmen are rebranding the eco aesthetic, proving that gardens that work toward reducing water consumption, cutting costs and letting wildlife thrive can be beautiful too.

Landscape designers like Carmen are rebranding the eco aesthetic, proving that gardens that work toward reducing water consumption, cutting costs and letting wildlife thrive can be beautiful too.