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Domus Nova – Christiana – 1_Lo

Explore Well Road: The house by the heath

On the doorstep to the ‘lungs of London’, and with an unrivalled view of the capital’s skyline, Christiana Marran fell for the best-of-both worlds feel of her Hampstead home. Hampstead is probably as close to a chocolate box-esque village as you’ll get in London. With sprawling heathland on the doorstep, independent businesses scattered along its […]

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Our design and lifestyle journal

The inside track on design, culture and lifestyle in London and Ibiza. Architects, interior designers and homeowners share their inspiration – and the ideas shaping how we live.

De Castro Arquitectos: Localised design


Eduardo de Castro discusses his studio’s penchant for creating modern architecture with a deep understanding of sustainable design and the Mediterranean lifestyle.

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La historia de Numero 74


Tara Sfez ha creado una empresa, una tienda insignia y un estudio taller, L'Atelier no. 74 - en el corazón de Ibiza.

IbizaEstilo de vida

Terravita: inspirada en la naturaleza


Jason Watson Todd, fundador del estudio de diseño ibicenco Terravita, revela cómo sus casas de última generación superan los límites en todos los sentidos.

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Terra Masia: Un edén ecológico


Hablamos con el agricultor jefe de Terra Masia sobre cómo ha perfeccionado el proceso de plantar y cosechar de forma sostenible y lo que podría significar para el futuro de la isla.

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