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Living room designed by Bloom Studio
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Bloom Studio Ibiza

ArquitecturaDiseño de interiores
ArquitecturaDiseño de interiores

La pasión se entreteje en cada proyecto completado por Bloom Studio, ofreciendo a sus clientes el más alto nivel de dedicación y calidad para hogares verdaderamente excepcionales.

Founded by architect Kit Mapplethorpe in 2016, he gathered a team of technical, creative and production virtuosos to form this multidisciplinary studio. With 15 years’ combined experience in London and on the Balearic Islands, this design company is well-versed in architectural and interior innovation.

Their vision is clear: to provide long-lasting designs that have a timeless appeal, catered to each individual client. For them, no two projects are alike. Using 3D technology to build the home from a virtual vantage, each step of the process is documented and developed in an intricate manner. There’s an ease to the projects conducted by Bloom Studio; whilst the architects create functional spaces, the interior design team – headed by Sarah Elkabas – work to secure the aesthetic direction and furnishings for the home.

Dormitorio de Bloom Studio

Su visión es clara: ofrecer diseños duraderos que tengan un atractivo atemporal, atendiendo a cada cliente individual.

Living room designed by Bloom Studio